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Banner Placements That You Never Think Of!

06 Aug 2018 Article

When you think about roll banners, large exhibitions and trade show are two places that you certainly think of. It’s because, businesses typically use banners to gain greater exposure of their brand. The image of banners that used in trade shows and large exhibitions firmly attached in the mind of businessman, that make banners almost impossible to ever showed up in other places.

This post dedicated to change the perspective that banners only used in trade show and large exhibitions. Here are some of the ‘unusual’ places to hang your banners.

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University extracurricular fair

University extracurricular fair that is usually held once a year is one of the places to make your banners easily spotted. The events that happen a week before learning activities is a huge opportunity for extracurricular societies such as sporting, academic, social and gaming to gain new members for the year ahead.

One suggests that to make the extracurricular fair stand out is to expose the university profile in a banner, either in the parking entrance, pedestrian walkway, or even inside the fair itself . It’s substantial height will not only make an your official event stand out, but it also make them more noticeable.

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Car boot sales

If you are a regular car boot sales, why not gain a competitive advantage by distinguishing yourself from the rest. A roller banner will not only add a professional image of your car boot sales, but to indicate buyers that you’re experienced car boot seller. The impression of the latter is also good to reduce the chance that your customers making unrealistic offers. You also can contact details on roller banner so you can get more profit from customers that contacted you.

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Farmers market and food stalls

Food is always tempting, but when you’re joining a food market, a variation of choices can make an indecision easily surface. For a perspective of business, this is very detrimental. A help of roller banners can really assist in differentiating your business from others. So your food stalls can easily spot on and bring the revenue that you deserve.

See? These places are the proof of roll banners capabilities that are not exclusively ‘owned’ only by trade shows and exhibition. The next thing that you need to understand is where is the best places to print your banners, for this Quickprint Indonesia should be your first candidate. The experiences to dealt with clients to make various type of promotional campaign is the main factor why Quickprint Indonesia is the best digital printing services in Jakarta.

TAGS : digital printing quick print indonesia printing banner placement

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